Nutritional Therapy
Not everyone knows the many ways nutritional medicine can help, or what the process is.
The Discovery Session allows you to briefly discuss your immediate health needs and expectations, to find out whether nutritional therapy is right for you, and whether you feel comfortable to embark on your healing journey with Adele as a therapist. Adele will also be able to give you an idea whether she can help you and meet your expectations.

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
CFS and ME are characterised by unexplained fatigue for at least 6 months accompanied by a diverse but consistent set of symptoms. Diet modification and nutritional supplements could be used to improve patient outcomes, such fatigue and quality of life. Fibromyalgia is a complex condition characterized by widespread pain in the muscles and joints, as well as fatigue. Evidence suggests that fibromyalgia is related to multiple chemical imbalances throughout the body. Diagnostic testing and nutritional therapy provide an excellent tools for uncovering key imbalances and providing targeted therapy.

Digestive Health
When gut health is compromised, it may impact the health of other areas in the body. Our gut allows nutrients and water to enter the body while preventing the entry of toxins and pathogens. It’s a selective barrier between “us” and the outside world. An unhealthy gut can’t act in our defence. Instead, it allows dangerous compounds to enter the body. A healthy gut barrier depends on balanced intestinal bacteria, a healthy mucosal lining and a healthy immune system (almost 70% of our immune system cells live in or around the gut). And this is where the right nutrition is paramount to restoring the health of our GI tract.

Autoimmune Disorders
An autoimmune disorder is a condition that occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. There are more than 100 autoimmune disorders. Often there is no cure for autoimmune disorders, however nutritional therapy may help reduce the frequency and/or severity of autoimmune related attacks on bodily tissue and help improve symptoms.

Female Health
Balanced hormones are critical to the function of virtually every system in the body. Nutritional therapy can provide natural solutions for restoring hormonal health, managing peri-menopausal and post menopausal symptoms and supporting thyroid and adrenal health.
Has your health recently taken a turn for the worse?
Have you had some health niggles for a while and now you’re ready to change?
Would you like a nutrition plan that gently supports you and the journey you are on with conventional doctors?
Have you been advised by a doctor to seek nutritional therapy?

Are you feeling misunderstood or that no-one is really listening to you?
Is the endless information online confusing you? Do you want to make sense of it all?
Do you have lots of nutrition questions? Do you want to make it personal to you?
Would you like to work on some of the deficiencies and symptoms possibly caused by the medications you have been prescribed?
Do you have a chronic illness that you’d like support with?

Are you ready to change your diet, with some guidance, with the aim to feel so much better than you do now?
Is something just not right? You’ve seen specialists, consultants, and yet you are convinced something else is going on?
Would you like access to comprehensive tests that can give clues to the route cause of a health issue?
Is your current diet healthy, yet you feel there is room for improvement?
Have you recently embarked on a vegan diet and would like some advice and guidance on the best way to go about it for optimal health?
Remedy Health will guide you to intelligently heal your body, holistically and effectively from the inside out. Supported by someone who is motivated to understand you, your very own health detective, with an excellent understanding of nutrition.
Finally, you will be heard, your body will get what it really needs to heal, and be given complete respect, UNDERSTANDING and care.

Remedy Health Takes Your Well-Being Seriously…
With over 30 years experience of nutritional medicine and 5 years of immersion working deeply with 100’s of clients worldwide, embracing the latest science and oldest traditions, you can rest assured you are about to be in safe, highly experienced and trust-worthy hands.
As a caring, approachable, smart (and definitely unshockable), holistic nutritionist, Adele Dobson prides herself on working closely in a committed partnership with you, to understand you completely and create your own unique and intelligent blueprint journeying you back to full, hopeful and happy holistic health.
So if you recognise that transformation doesn’t happen overnight, and you are ready to step up and do the work to make change, then please contact Adele and take your first step back to optimum health.
It’s time to work with a holistic approach, a safe, collaborative system combining lifestyle, emotional well-being and nutritional medicine to create more joy, motivation and drive, so that you can feel better and enjoy the energy to really LIVE your life!
Introducing Adele
Professional Nutritional Consultant
I’m a problem solver
I’m a health detective
I work at a pace that is right for you
We work in partnership with each other
There is no right or wrong way to get to your destination
Nutritional therapy is very versatile
Nutritional therapy is very effective
From childhood I’ve never had many positive outcomes from seeing conventional doctors, however I did and still do have positive experiences from using homemade remedies and by figuring things out for myself.
The first time I broke the antibiotic cycle using homeopathy, it worked within a day…
‘Take Care of Your Body It’s The Only Place You Have To Live’
– Jim Rohn
What My Clients Say
“I cannot express in enough words how Adele has helped me back on the road to recovery. I turned to her after trying everything to combat the suffering from CFS and a heart attack after an accident. I thought I was doing everything I could to get back to health, but the reverse was the case I was getting worse.
She spent time listening to me and asked lots of questions. She then came back to me quickly with a plan to get me better. After extensive blood tests and following a very doable and easy dietary plan with lots of good quality supplements.
Within a few days I was feeling so much better. Several weeks on I now feel like a different person and am going from strength to strength. I have stopped taking many of the prescription drugs that I was forced to take and am continuing with the supplements and the eating plan.
I think everyone who is feeling tired, under the weather, on long term prescription drugs that are not good for them, or has other health issues should visit this woman. I believe it will save millions for the NHS if more people followed her advice.
She is not your average nutritionist, asking you to cut out wheat and dairy. She really, really gets under the skin of the problems, she knows the science and has trained very well. Everyone around me has had colds and flu in the last few weeks and I have had the reverse. I can not recommend her highly enough.”
Julia Reynolds
“Very many thanks to the lovely Adele. I first saw her a couple of months back when I was really quite ill. After carefully following Adele’s advice I now feel like a different person and am even able to start cutting down on my medication. I recommend anyone who is unwell to give Adele a try – there really is nothing to lose and everything to gain.”
Sue Jackson
“I’m really enjoying this lovely journey I’m on with you to improve my nutrition and lifestyle Adele so thank you 🙏 . It’s an education I was ready to embrace and I’m loving how you’re helping me. I really enjoyed the exploration session which was so enlightening about my lifestyle and eating habits and you’ve shown me how I can keep my body in tip top condition to have more energy and be fully functioning body for my age. I’m already feeling so much better from your advice to switch certain foods in my diet. The changes are easy to make by tweaking a few things. Thank you for recommending some testing and supplements that are right for me. Highly recommend Remedy for a great path to good health, feeling great and functioning better than you have ever before!“
Nutrition – articles, guides, thoughts, opinions
Here, I share the best of my findings, so that you can gain new insights to help yourself feel well again
Frequently Asked Questions
These are the most common questions we get asked. If there is a question you have that is not answered here please get in contact via email. Remember, you can make use of the FREE 15-minute pre-consultation to discuss your case with me and ask me the most pressing questions you have.
How long will it take until I get better?
The answer is, it depends.
• It depends on the health issue or health issues.
• It depends on what we define as ‘get better’.
• What does ‘feeling better’ look like for you?
• What would be different then to what it is now?
• What is your daily schedule like?
• What are your energy levels like?
• Do you like cooking?
• Do you need to learn to cook?
• Do you have family to consider when it comes to cooking and food choices?
• How committed are you?
• What worked for you in the past? What didn’t?
• What were the reasons that previous health plans did not work for you?
• Are you looking at a short term fix or lifetime change?
The other major factor to take into consideration is ‘we are all different’. No one person will respond in the same way. That is why every single person is treated differently. That is why one person with diabetes is not treated in the same way another person with diabetes is treated. And because of all the different variables, they will not respond in the same way either.
If someone came to me with diabetes, the plan we’d put together would be dependent on what that person wants to achieve. What type of diabetes they have. What were all the causative factors in the development of their diabetes. Do they need to lose weight? Is exercise and movement a challenge? What are they eating now? What if they hate all varieties of vegetables? What if the changes made to their life were perceived as too hard to do? What if they went on holiday frequently and liked to drink and eat a lot whilst away?
You see, there are lots of different factors to consider. It’s called being human. Remember, you are at a huge advantage by working one-to-one with your very own nutritionist. We can change, adapt, make things easier, make it more challenging, take it slow, use other resources that you like the look of, run things by me ….
I’m like your very own number one fan, with a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you make the right choices for you and what you want to achieve. Some people go away on holiday, don’t see me for a couple of months, go back to old habits which may have caused the issues we’re working on, yet, they come back and we start again. I have people who want to restart a plan after 2 years of not seeing me.
Remember, there are no rules. This is a journey. It’s your journey. No-one else's. I am here to help you get to wherever you want to be.
What if the test results don’t show anything wrong with me?
Some of the tests we use can be quite an investment and I often get asked, what if it doesn’t show anything? Have I wasted my money?
I like to reframe this in a positive light. First, it’s great news that we didn’t find any obvious issue and second, we’ve immediately ruled out a route cause to your health issue. Which means, there are fewer possibilities as to what is causing the issue. And therefore we’re one step closer to identifying the problem. Whatever the results come back with, it’s always positive. No information IS information.
With testing, we are exploring the ‘most likely’ cause or causes to the health issue. Whether it stems from an unhealthy gut, severe nutrient deficiencies, unbalanced hormones, toxic load, or other. Given your symptoms, health history and diet, we’re able to make a good guess as to where the issue stems from, and with testing we can either confirm or not confirm this, and get more information to help tailor the nutrition plan.
What if it does not work?
In rare cases, what we do may not work. Or it takes time. Or the changes are so small you hardly notice them. Sometimes, it takes a little ‘trial and error’ before we hit the jackpot. Sometimes nothing happens for ages and then suddenly, everything changes at once.
Bear in mind, some of the health issues people come to see me with have taken a lifetime to manifest. It may therefore take time to get really well again. The successes are with those who persist, and who understand that sometimes, it’s not an easy process.
I appreciate how much trust it takes to work with a nutritionist especially if it’s the first time you’ve tried nutritional therapy and it’s such a new concept to you. You’re telling me EVERYTHING, you’re investing a lot of money into tests and supplements you know nothing about, it may seem your life is in my hands. This is never taken for granted.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable please feel free to say so and we’ll adapt things accordingly. Frequent and open communication can really strengthen the relationship between the therapist and patient and is encouraged. It can greatly enhance the outcomes. Help me to help you.
Is nutritional therapy for me?
Nutrition can be applied in which ever way you need. It can be used as a stand alone therapy or it can be used alongside another therapy or therapies.
You may get the result you require from a couple of simple changes to what you are already doing. You may want to give your body a little strengthening boost before surgery. You may want a little guidance on eating optimally for your lifestyle choices. Or you may want a complete change, to address a chronic health issue, which requires nutritional therapy and much more.
Whatever it is you are seeking, nutritional therapy can be applied in a number of different ways.
When may nutritional therapy not be right for you?
It may not be the right therapy for you if it aids an existing issue. For example, those with eating disorders who have not worked with appropriate therapies to help them explore and manage their perceptions and behaviours.
Nutritional therapy may not be the most appropriate therapy for those who are in A&E or critical care where complimentary therapy is difficult to administer or considered a priority.
If you don’t like the thought of change, or hate the thought of cooking, don’t despair. With some coaching we can explore and find ways to dissolve the blocks that stop you from being where you want to be. You just need to want it. If you are not sure, please ask.
Why can’t I buy my supplements from Holland and Barrett?
Whether it’s Holland and Barrett, Boots, Tesco’s or a cheap supplement brand available online, it’s tempting to source your own supplements to keep the costs down. The supplements we recommend for you are chosen specifically for you and a lot of work goes into researching the right ones.
We consider the following:
1. The cost - one of the main priorities is keeping costs down for you. We need you to get the most for your money. There are overpriced supplements, there are formulas which include everything you need in one tablet, there are cheap supplements which contains forms of nutrients that are poorly absorbed. We look at cost per dose of the ‘active ingredients’. One example, you’d need to take 13 capsules of a standard fish oil from H&B to only one tablet of the one we frequently prescribe. It’s s huge different and makes a big difference in whether it will make you better or not.
2. The nutrients that need to take priority - there are thousands of nutrients and supplements out there, making lots of promises and claims - we help you bypass all the ‘noise’ and provide you with what you need. It’s so tempting to buy a trendy powder or formula that claims to heal every ailment. We keep it simple, and place focus on the most important and effective nutrients.
3. The excipients - lots of ‘off the shelf’ nutrients contain additives such as colours, sweeteners, flavourings, animal sourced ingredients, common allergens and ingredients that may exacerbate your symptoms.
4. What form of a nutrient is best for you. For example, magnesium comes in many different forms - some are better suited for cardiovascular health, brain health, energy, sluggish bowel movements, muscle cramping etc
5. The ‘therapeutic’ dose you require (this is very different to RDA)
6. Any interactions with your medications (prescription and off the shelf).
7. Whether you prefer tablets, powders or liquids.
8. Whether it’s for a newborn, child, adult or a senior.
Contact Adele to discover how she can help your body recover the natural way...
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07769 424844
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28 Willowdene Court, Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5ET
Forte Physical Health, Chelmsford CM2 0EF