The Process
At Remedy Health we want you to feel like we’re working in partnership with you. You can trust us to provide tailor-made solutions for your health…we create personalised programmes for every client.
What Is Nutritional Therapy?
Essentially, nutritional therapy uses food and nutrients to correct imbalances in the body. It’s used to help your body function in the way it’s supposed to.
Your body is on your side, even though it may not feel like it sometimes. Sometimes it’s missing something in order for it to work properly, and over time this can manifest as an illness, a pain or a rash.
First, we need to identify the imbalances and the causes of the imbalances before we know what the body needs to correct them. For those new to nutritional therapy, it can be challenging to conceptualise. We are brought up in a culture where we ‘treat’ a disease. We have a cough, we go to the pharmacist, we get given a cough mixture. We have an infection and fever, we go to the doctor, he asks a couple of questions, we get prescribed a course of antibiotics, we take them, and get better. We don’t ask questions. We trust the experts. It’s simple. This is great until this does not work any longer.
Sometimes problems start to develop as a result of the underlying imbalance never being addressed, or from side effects of the medications being taken, or relevant questions were not asked in order to identify the ‘real’ problem because you only had seven minutes with the doctor.
Nutritional therapy goes much further beyond the ‘disease’ or the ‘diagnosis’. Understanding the pathophysiology of a disease or diagnosis is important. However, understanding what led to the development of a disease or diagnosis is arguably even more important. This is where real healing can take place.
I may ask you questions that you think are not relevant to the issue. Non-nutrition questions or questions not directly related to what you came to see me for. Please be assured everything asked IS relevant in order to get a clearer idea of the causative factors. Health issues may not always be caused by, for example, a food intolerance or a nutrient deficiency. It may be related to stress, lack of sleep or exercise or unhappiness.
With certain ailments and conditions, nutritional therapy can be a one-stop-shop. Alternatively, it can be used as a complimentary therapy alongside your key therapy such as counselling, osteopathy or seeing an endocrinologist. The degree to which it can be applied is very variable.
Often it is used to optimise health. Nutrients are involved in the creation of every molecule and the maintenance of every system in the body. The body requires more than 45 nutrients to maintain health. Many vitamins and minerals act as coenzymes in promoting essential chemical reactions. They help regulate metabolism, assist in the formation and maintenance of bones and tissues, hormones, nervous system chemicals, and genetic material.
Subtle nutrient deficiencies can occur before the onset of frank, classical deficiency. Such marginal deficiencies may ultimately contribute to the development of degenerative diseases. Nutritional therapy aims to optimise nutrition according to individual biochemical, environmental and health states.
During a consultation, as you provide information, your nutritionist is painting a very complex picture whilst connecting all the dots.
What Nutritional Therapy is not.
It’s not used in acute or emergency situations or in replacement of a primary therapy. It can be used as a secondary therapy ‘alongside’ major surgery, chemotherapy, post injury recovery, severe mental health issues and eating disorders.
The Nutritional Therapy Process
The frequency and the time frame in which you see a nutritionist is dependent on what exactly we are working on. If it’s general advice on how to improve your already fabulous diet then you may only need one or two visits. Alternatively, if you have a number of health issues you’d like help with, we may see each other for a few sessions over a much longer period of time. Some patients have been seeing me as and when they need advice, ever since I started practicing. What prompts you to get in contact? You’ve either been recommended by someone who has seen me or knows me, or at one of the clinics I work at, or we met through networking, or you found me through a search – either my website, Nutritionist Resource, the NNA or Bark. You’ll email me, text me or call me. Or, I’ll receive a message to contact you via a call or email.
I Offer a Free 15-Minute Call
A pre-consultation call. You can ask me any questions that come to mind, provide more information about what made you get in contact, and whether I can meet your expectations. I will let you know whether I can help you or not.
I may recommend a better suited therapist if appropriate. You may want to go away and have a think about things, or I may advise you to see a doctor before seeing me, otherwise this is where …
You Book Your Initial Consultation
Option 1. We can meet online via a video call.
Option 2. We can meet at one of my clinic rooms in Essex – either Warley, Brentwood, Chelmsford City centre or Woodford Green.
The Health Questionnaire
I’ll email to you a health questionnaire that will need to be completed and returned PRIOR to your initial consultation.
The Initial Consultation
This is 75-minutes in duration. In this session I will be your personal health detective. Depending on the issue we’re working on, we’ll be gathering as much relevant information as we can, that will help formulate a very specific and individualised plan. I may ask you questions that you think are not relevant to the issue. Non-nutrition questions or questions not directly related to what you came to see me for. Please be assured everything asked IS relevant in order to get a clearer idea of the causative factors. Health issues may not always be caused by food intolerances or nutrient deficiencies. It may be stress related or to do with lack of sleep or exercise.
Once the initial consultation is complete, I will further reflect on all the information collection and decide on the best plan of action moving forward.
Sometimes, due to the nature of the body being a complex machine of interconnected parts, specific research is required. At this point, I’ll either recommend specific testing (Option 2), or I’ll conclude that we have enough information to compile your nutrition plan and therefore book your follow up session (Option 1).
Option 1 or 2
Option 1: Your 60-minute follow-up session will take place approximately 1-week after your initial consultation.
Option 2: Testing is recommended. The follow-up appointment will take place when the results of any testing come through.
The turnaround time for testing will be dependent on the following: – The test. For example, whether it’s a DNA test or adrenal stress test (for further information on testing options please go to Functional Testing), the turnaround times vary.
The sample medium required…
The test may require a sample of saliva, blood, urine, breath or stool. Therefore, for example, if you have trouble with stool movements, this will effect the time it takes to collect a suitable sample.
Test preparation…
The test instructions may ask you to discontinue all non-essential medications, or you may need to eat specific foods for a couple of days prior to the test. This will therefore effect the total turnaround time.
Your schedule…
The sample may need to be collected at a certain time of day, and/or immediately be stored in a fridge, or multiple samples are required in a short period of time. Therefore, when you can conveniently take the samples will depend on your schedule. The testing will take place via your doctor. Sometimes we can get the information we need using tests available via a GP or specialist. The turnaround will be dependent on the appointment availability and the agreement of the doctor. As soon as the results come through, I’ll get back in contact and we’ll arrange your followup session.
The First 60-Minute Follow-up Session
During this session I will go through your test results (if applicable) and your ‘draft’ nutrition plan. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback, make suggestions and further requests. I’ll update the plan accordingly and email the FINAL plan shortly after the session.
Supplement Order
It’s likely that nutritional supplementation will be recommended. Whether it’s to correct deficiencies, address imbalances or to apply therapeutically. In the early stages of most nutritional healing journeys, supplementation is vital. The supplements chosen will be specific to you. The cost, the quality and the need in meeting foundational requirements when choosing supplementation are considered of equal importance. All supplementation will be ordered through Remedy Health and sent to your home address (or workplace). You’ll be invoiced accordingly. Re-orders can be requested via email.
The Ongoing Process
Usually, at the start of a nutritional therapy programme, we’ll see each other two to four weeks after your first follow-up consultation. In rare occasions, I may not need to see you again as you’ll have everything you need.
The nutritional therapy journey from here on is dependent on a number of factors as follows:
What we are working on
How you respond to the therapy
How easy or difficult it is for you
Prescription medications – ongoing and any changes to
Medical requirements – hospitalisation, new diagnosis
What you would like to do – you may want to see me to stay on track, to have frequent support or you may need to see me for something new
Life gets in the way
Whatever happens, talk to me, let me know, keep me updated. I can work with you. I’ve worked with wide range of circumstances. The beautiful thing about nutritional therapy it’s an incredibly effective form of therapy yet very gentle to the mind and body. It can take effect very fast, or very slow. It can either test your patience or it can feel like a miracle has taken place.

Contact Adele to discover how she can help your body recover the natural way...
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07769 424844
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28 Willowdene Court, Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5ET
Forte Physical Health, Chelmsford CM2 0EF